a full circle moment cover image

A Full Circle Moment

I’ll never forget this full circle moment…

If you tuned into the podcast this week, then you heard about my back story. I was someone who was shy and had zero belief in myself. We were broke AF, and I was on state assistance living in my little 800-square-foot home, and I was miserable.  


Becoming a mom to Lane changed the course of my entire life.

He made me want more for myself because I wanted more for him. I wanted to be present with him and not work out of my home, away from him, 40 hours per week. I wanted to become someone he could look up to and be proud of. HE WAS MY WHY! 

My Full Circle Moment

Fast forward to the moment in these pictures. I was asked to speak on the main stage as a keynote speaker to 30,000 people on the topic of belief & integrity… I spoke on how to overcome self-limiting beliefs and how to handle when life throws you curveballs (I had the opportunity to share some of Lilly’s story as well). Keep scrolling to get to watch the full speech!

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What a 360°, right?

I was someone broke, shy, insecure, and had no belief in myself to turning my entire life around so much to become a main stage speaker on the topic. 

The full circle part was when I was able to invite my son Lane up on stage with me to close it out.

Crying as I type this.

I made my speech into a baseball theme because we are huge Chicago Cubs fans. 

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He was so proud that I was speaking and was even more excited that he got to run up on the stage at the end to close it out with me by saying, 


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That is a moment and a memory that will be in my brain for life! 

You watch the full speech here!

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Mindy Wender smiling into camera with arm perched on knee

Mindy Wender

I’m a down-to-earth, small town, girl next door dedicated to empowering women to create their own success and unlock their full potential.

My hope is to be your “go to” BFF for all the things us Moms/Women need. I love helping women THRIVE in all areas of their lives.

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My hope is to be your “go to” BFF for all the things us Moms/Women need. I love helping women THRIVE in all areas of their lives.

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